Double chin / Saggy neck
A double chin, also known as submental fat, is a common aesthetic concern characterised by a layer of fat beneath the chin. It can result from several factors.
A double chin is not the same as a turkey neck. While both of these cosmetic concerns affect the area beneath your chin and rob your jawline of attractive definition, they are quite different. Here is more information about what sets these concerns apart and how you can treat them.
The term “turkey neck” refers to wrinkled and sagging skin on the neck, typically occurring with age as skin loses elasticity. Weak neck muscles also play a role in its development.
Unfortunately, there is limited evidence that exercising neck muscles will improve this condition. The overlying skin will still need professional treatment to appear younger and tighter.
- Accumulated Fat: Excess fat deposits in the neck area can lead to a double chin. This is often seen in individuals who are overweight or have gained weight.
- Sagging Skin: As skin loses its elasticity with age, it can sag and contribute to the appearance of a double chin. This sagging is sometimes referred to as a “turkey neck.”
- Aging: The natural aging process causes the skin to lose collagen and elastin, leading to decreased skin elasticity and firmness. This can result in sagging skin under the chin.
- Genetics: Hereditary factors can play a significant role. Some people may inherit a predisposition for a fuller neck or a double chin from a young age, even if they are not overweight.
- Posture: Poor posture can weaken the muscles of the neck and chin, contributing to the appearance of a double chin over time.
Addressing a double chin and turtle neck involves a combination of lifestyle changes, skincare, and potentially medical treatments, depending on the severity and underlying causes. Consulting with our medical aestheticians can provide personalised recommendations for achieving the desired results.